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If you want to know what the Buddhist approach to something is, this is a good place to start. The ASA statements and policy papers reflect various social and legal views from a wide variety of Buddhist monastic traditions in Australia. You will also find useful visa information, Buddhist chaplaincy & healthcare principles and website links here.
ASA membership has many benefits. Click here to discover what membership can do for you and the wider monastic community.
Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries.

Organised/sponsored by the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils (FABC), the Buddhist Councils of NSW and VIC, Nan Tien Institute and the Metta Centre. This year's eVesak celebration is bringing the Australian Buddhists together in a virtual space again to celebrate Vesak, the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Gautama Buddha.
You can watch the live show scheduled for screening on 23 May 2021 at
4 PM AEST. You will be able to check out the full length videos submitted by Buddhist temples and organisations from all around Australia on the event homepage.

eVesak Celebration 2021
To deepen an already community wide commitment against any harm perpetrated against another in any way - whether emotionally, physically, financially, psychologically, spiritually or sexually.
To create a published Ethical Framework of policies and processes to assist Monastics, lay teachers and supporters deal honestly with difficult situations.
To provide material, and links to the appropriate agencies, so that the law and regulatory requirements are known and understood.
ASA Ethical Framework Development
The Australian Sangha Association is developing a new Ethical Framework with the following objectives:
If you are a Buddhist monastic or member of a registered Buddhist organisation and would like to work with us as we develop the ASA Ethical Framework, please contact the ASA Secretary by the end of May 2021 through our website contact form and we will be in touch with you as we develop and implement this important initiative.
If you need support: Lifeline on 13 11 14 | Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636

Establishment of the Contemplative Studies Centre at the University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne is establishing a Contemplative Studies Centre, which will be the first point of entry into the world of mindfulness, meditation and contemplative practice at the University.
The centre has been made possible by a generous philanthropic gift of $10 million from Redbubble co-founder Martin Hosking and his wife Loreto.
Contemplative studies focus on the variety of religious, spiritual, and secular practices – such as meditation, mindfulness, and prayer – and is at the very heart of what it is to be connected to ourselves, one another, and the world. These practices help people from all walks of life to facilitate wellbeing, and to aid in the development of a meaningful, balanced life.
The Contemplative Studies Centre will be led by Dr Nicholas Van Dam, a recently appointed fellow of the Mind and Life Institute and hosted within the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences. It will have offerings for all audiences, including the general public, students, staff, faith leaders and practitioners.

“In Australia, like the rest of the world, we’ve seen massive growth in meditation and mindfulness practices in schools, workplaces and in just about every aspect of life,” Dr Van Dam said. “The foundations of the practices have often been left behind; platitudes and optimistic thinking have replaced authentic self-exploration and opportunities for people to find balance.
ASA Heart Circles
Dear Venerable Brothers and Sisters of the Australian Sangha Association,
Come join us for an opportunity of open hearted communion and support with
ASA members. We meet every Saturday at 7pm (Melbourne Time, AEDT).
Our first Heart Circles took place in late October and early November 2020 and a
wonderful heart felt sharing was enjoyed by those who engaged with the program.
A Heart Circle is an online Zoom event for members to share with each other things that are happening that are personally important to them. This is an opportunity for open hearted communication with others. In a Heart Circle we speak from a place of truth and listen with compassionate understanding.
Please click the button "contact us" below and send us a message, if you would like to join future Heart Circles.
We look forward to seeing you in the Circle.